Public Input Requested
East Bulkhead Resilience Project Port of Ilwaco
Ilwaco, Pacific County, WashingtonIn conjunction with the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Maritime Administration (MARAD), the Port of Ilwaco (Port) is proposing to replace the existing east bulkhead located at a commercial fishing wharffor improved the safety, efficiency, and reliable use of the wharf. MARAD awarded funds to the Port under the Port Infrastructure Development Grants Program to complete these repairs. The use of these federal funds requires compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)to be provided through an Environmental Assessment (EA) process.MARAD is the lead federal agency for the NEPA EA. The purpose of this announcement is to present the proposed replacement, and ask for your comments, questions, and concerns. Note that no formal public meeting is proposed. All of your comments will be taken into consideration as the project continues.
Project Description
- The replacement bulkhead will serve to increase the facility’s climate change/sea level rise resiliency and will help protect wharf facilities from flooding.
- The top of the embankment elevation to the north of the bulkhead will be raised to approximately +14 feet (mean lower low water) MLLW and the existing creosote-treated retaining wall will be replaced with riprap to improve shoreline protection. The increase of top of bank elevation will mitigate sea level rise impacts between the bulkhead and the marina access pier to the east.
- Re-grading and re-paving of the upland area behind the bulkhead wall will facilitate positive drainage away from the Safe Coast Seafoods buildings and help protect the facilities during flood events.
- The bulkhead replacement will prevent the shoreline from failing and falling into a portion of the active marina, which would adversely impact operations.
- The replacement bulkhead will be designed to accommodate the temporary mooring of fishing vessels which will allow vessels to unload/load equipment and product and improve efficiencies at the Safe Coast Seafoods facility. Under existing conditions, the timber bulkhead is used for temporary mooring but cannot be used for loading/unloading of vessels due to its poor, unstable condition.
- The project will allow trucks to drive safely on the bulkhead-supported dockside area again, which will improve the efficiency of cargo transfer operations and improve the port’s competitiveness. The adjacent roadway has been closed to vehicle access due to the poor condition of the existing bulkhead.
- The removal of creosote-treated wood from the marine environment will provide water quality benefits.
Why is the project needed?
Project Contact Information
If you need additional information or would like to discuss the project further, please contact the following representative: Tracy Lofstrom, Port Manager at the Port of Ilwaco.Questions or written comments can be directed and submitted to:
Re: Port of IlwacoEast Bulkhead Resilience Project
Port of Ilwaco
165 Howerton Way PO Box 307
Ilwaco, WA 98624
Direct: 360-642-3143